Aug 30, 2014

Saturday, August 30, 2014
Regular Seller Badge
So you have the New Seller Badge and you’ve been selling for a while in Facebook and Instagram and you want to move to the next level. No worries, if you have at least 20 confirmed sales with tagged customer’s feedback from verifiable customers then you can receive the next level badge from E-Buyer’s Guide Philippines which is the Regular Seller Badge. All you need to do is tag E-Buyer’s Guide Philippines IG Account on the 20 customer’s feedback and we will do the digging to confirm authenticity of the accounts. Some customers may not be verifiable for many reasons so it would be best if you will tag more than 20 to give us more flexibility.

As soon as we verify 20 sales and feedback from real customers, we will send you a customized Regular Seller Badge for your shop.  As always, we do not require a fee for a business to be listed here as we consider this a public service to improve everyone’s buying experience.     

Many online shoppers prefer to buy from shops that are willing to provide verifiable information about who they are and have a history of positive customer feedback. Experience also taught us that majority of con artist would make themselves look legit by claiming to have many positive customer feedback. However a quick investigation will reveal that their so called customers are fake accounts. 20 verifiable positive customer feedback will tell other customers that you mean honest business and that you are serious about it. We will regard all information that we receive with extreme privacy.

We know that this badge can be copied, edited and used by scammers to make them appear legit however if a shop posting this badge is not listed in this blog, there may be a reason to doubt the business. The main purpose of this blog is to become a point of reference for consumers and to aid in their awareness as to which shops can be trusted or not.

The list of new and regular sellers is posted here for everyone to see. We will be updating the list as often as we award Regular Seller badges to more shops. Please feel free to comment and let us know if there are any other online social media shops out there which you think should be included in this link.

If you are a seller and you wish to be part of this list, please send us an email request to

Together we can make Online Shopping Safe and Fun in the Philippines!


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